Benefitting Family Shelter Services
Temporary Emergency Shelter & Transitional Housing Community
Fauquier Springs Country Club
Saturday, October 19, 2024
6:00pm (Registration 5:30pm)
Featuring a Live & Silent Auction to Help Break the Cycle of Homelessness
We are excited to, again, be hosting our flagship event! The annual HOPE Gala raises funds for the individuals and families Family Shelter Services serves through our programs at Fauquier County’s only temporary emergency Shelter, as well as our Transitional Housing Community in Vint Hill. Generous donations from sponsorships and the auction help us advance our mission of serving the most vulnerable members in our community. We are asking local businesses and individuals to support the event through sponsorship opportunities. Won’t you help?
Includes premium seating and champagne, a spotlight feature during program, sweet treats, full page business advertisement in auction catalog, event signage, website and social media recognition
Includes one [1] table for eight [8] attendees with premium seating and wine, business advertisement in auction catalog, event signage, website and social media recognition
GOLD $1,250
Includes tickets for four [4] attendees, Golden Tickets for exclusive “final call” @ Silent Auction, auction catalog recognition, event signage, website and social media recognition
Includes tickets for two [2] attendees, event signage, website and social media recognition
Includes website and social media recognition
HOPE Donor - Outright gift to support the mission of Family Shelter Services